
AFTER and BEFORE with pictures

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  • Tim wakes up, then goes to play football.  What does Tim do after he wakes up?
    He goes to play football.
  • Max takes a bath, then he goes to school.  What does Max do before he goes to school?
    He takes a bath.
  • Claire watered the plant, then she read a book.  What did Claire do before she read a book?
    She watered the plant.
  • Tony eats breakfast, then goes to the park. What does he do before he goes to the park?
    He eats breakfast.
  • Joey wakes up, then he eats breakfast.  What did Joey do after he woke up?
    He ate breakfast.
  • Abe woke up, then brushed his teeth.  What did Abe do before he brushed his teeth?
    He woke up.
  • Suzy wakes up, then she eats breakfast.  What does she do after she wakes up?
    She eats breakfast.
  • Noah woke up, then did his exercises.  What did Noah do after he woke up?
    He did his exercises.
  • Claire watered the plant, then she read a book.  What did Claire do after she watered the plant?
    She read a book.
  • I do my homework, then I play video games. What do I do before I play video games?
    I do my homework.