
Compound Sentences: and, or, but, so

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  • The cafeteria food is good. The food is warm. The price is high. (connect these three. 1 minute timer.)
    Example: The cafeteria food is warm and the food is good, but the price is high. (other options possible.)
  • Many people don't know how to send money abroad. There are instructions on the website. (Showing "cause" and "effect," connect these two sentences.) (1 minute timer.)
    Example: Many people don't know how to send money abroad, so there are instructions on the website.
  • I went to the store. I went to the park. (and, or, but, so)
    I went to the store, and I went to the park.
  • (You have two choices.) You can go to school. You can stay home. (And, or, but, so)
    You can go to school, or you can stay home.
  • I enjoy eating out. They have a lot of kinds of foods to choose from. It is expensive. (Connect these 3 ideas. 1 minute timer.)
    I enjoy eating out because they have a lot of kinds of foods to choose from, but it is expensive.
  • It was a long journey. I'm really tired now. (and/or/so/but)
    It was a long journey, so I'm really tired now.
  • I have two gold fish. I have a cat. (and/or/but/so)
    I have two gold fish, and I have a cat.
  • Some tourists want to go on tours through companies. Other tourists prefer to discover the city on their own. (and, or, but, so)
    Some tourists want to go on tours through companies, but other tourists prefer to discover the city on their own.
  • The location of the city is near the ocean. The weather in this area can be very dry. (and, or, but, so)
    The location of the city is near the ocean, but the weather in this area can be very dry.
  • You are right, of course. We will accept the offer. (and,or,but,so)
    You are right, of course, so we will accept the offer.
  • Teachers have a lot of experience solving problems quickly. They can win the trust from students. (and/or/but/so)
    Teachers have a lot of experience solving problems quickly, so they can win the trust from students.
  • Sometimes you will have bad feelings. I think you can improve your situation. (and/or/but,so)
    Sometimes you will have bad feelings, but I think you can improve your situation.
  • It takes a long time to make obento. I enjoy it. (and/or/but)
    It takes a long time to make obento, but I enjoy it.
  • New York City has many things to see and do. Millions of people visit the city each year. (and, or, so, but)
    New York City has many things to see and do, so millions of people visit the city each year.
  • Some people need assistance. Others prefer to function independently. (and, or, but, so)
    Some people need assistance, but others prefer to function independently.