
Who was Ronald Reagan

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  • “It was a snowy day, and his father left the general store where he worked and made his way home through the snowdrift.” Snowdrift - __________________________
  • Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on __________________ in ___________.
  • “Nelle Reagan was a very cheerful person.” cheerful - _
  • Cause: When Dutch and Niel were little, Nelle read them stories every night. She would read slowly and point to each word as she said it aloud. Effect:__
  • Where did Dutch Reagan work as a lifeguard? a. Wilson Park b. Lowell Park c. Dixon Park d. Evening Park
  • Reread to Clarify: Even Prohibition, which made buying liquor illegal, didn’t change him.
  • What was Nelle Reagan like?
  • “You get to know proper as individuals „ “ Individuals - __
  • How many lives had Dutch Reagan saved by the end of his six years as a lifeguard? a.57. b. 67 c. 77 d. 87
  • What was Jack Reagan like?
  • Was the Reagan family religious? Explain using details from the book.
  • Ronald Reagan’s nickname was „„„
  • What kinds of things did Ronald enjoy when he was a child
  • How were Jack’s opinions on alcohol different than that of Nelle’s and Dutch’s opinions? Use specific details from the book to support your answer.