
Wonders 3.2/Speech Week 17-18 Review: TEST 9

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  • The Pokémon trainer was in ____ when she lost her battle.
    anguish (n)
  • I have great ____, so I spend my money on Pokémon cards.
    wealth (n)
  • The boy only ____(ed/d) one pokeball.
    possess (v): possessed, possessing, possesses
  • Many kids are _____ with Pokémon.
    obsessed (adj)
  • It is _____ too sleep 7 hours a day to grow tall.
    necessary (adj)
  • The ____ for winning the Pokémon tournament was a golden pokeball.
    reward (n): rewards
  • The student was ____ that she passed the test.
    optimistic (adj)
  • The Pokémon train _____(ed/d) many Pokémon.
    possess (v): possessed, possessing, possesses
  • Abby teacher is ____(ed/d) with Harry Potter. She loves the books and movies more than anything.
    obsessed (adj)
  • The pirates found the hidden _____.
    treasure (n): treasures
  • I ____(ed/d) my cat from a cat shelter.
    adopt (v): adopted, adopting, adopts
  • The floor was dirty, so the child _____ it up with a broom.
    sweep (v): swept, sweeping, sweeps
  • Squirtle caused _____ when he began screaming about seeing a bug.
    alarm (v): alarmed, alarming, alarms
  • In Abby teacher's class, the ___ for getting 100% on a test is a sticker. But, in Danny teacher's class, kids get MI dollars.
    reward (n): rewards
  • Team Rocket had never seen such a _____ looking Pokemon before.
    mysterious (adj)