
B1.1. L28

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  • I suppose all the people wearing glasses look like _________ .
    nerds, geeks
  • I know people who tend to overreact. They are too emotional making a scene of an everyday situation. These people are __________ .
    drama queens
  • For me appearance is not important. I never _________________________.
    judge a book by its cover
  • I adore hugging with people, saying nice words and listening to them. I’m so _____________ .
  • I never do what other people like doing. I hate _________________________.
    following the crowd
  • They have a bad reputation. People think they are lazy and like stealing. But that's not always true. They are _________ .
  • I don’t stay in touch with my ex boyfriends/girlfriends. I think there is no relationship after you ________ .
    split up, break up
  • I’m sure I will meet a perfect man, my ________ .
    Mr. Right