
Star Wars Trivia

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  • According to Star Wars legend, what substance powers lightsabers?
    Kyber crystals
  • What is the name for the invisible energy/power that binds the galaxy together
    The Force
  • What is the name of Yoda’s home?
  • What Wookiee is Han Solo’s loyal friend and first mate?
  • What is the name of Han’s friend running the cloud city of Bespin?
    Lando Calrissian
  • What is the battle armor used by Boba Fett?
  • What did Luke Skywalker lose in his battle with Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back?
    His right hand
  • What jobs did Luke Skywalker's aunt and uncle have on Tatooine?
    They were moisture farmers.
  • Which is the first original theatrical Star Wars movie where Jabba the Hutt is seen?
    Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
  • Who is this?
    Snoke is the Supreme Leader of the First Order who seduced Kylo Ren into abandoning the Jedi path to become his apprentice
  • Who are the only two characters who appear in every Star Wars movie?
    C-3PO and R2-D2
  • Who is this?
    Jar Jar Binks was a Gungan male military commander and politician who played a key role during the Invasion of Naboo and the Clone Wars
  • In the original Star Wars trilogy, who is the only character who is NOT a Jedi, but briefly uses a lightsaber?
    Han Solo
  • Who is this?
    Qui-Gon Jinn is the 2nd mentor of Obi-Wan Kenobi (after Obi-Wan completed his training with Yoda), and a powerful and wise, if controversial, Jedi Master
  • On what planet do Han and Chewie meet Luke?
  • Who tried to save Han Solo by disguising and infiltrating Jabba’s palace?
    Princess Leia
  • Who is this
    Jabba the Hutt
  • How does Han Solo respond when Leia tells him that she loves him?
    "I know."
  • How old is Yoda when he dies?
    900 years old
  • Who is the creator of Star Wars?
    George Lucas
  • Padmé Amidala is first queen of, and then the senator from, what peaceful planet?
  • In the original 1977 Star Wars movie A New Hope, Darth Vader only appears onscreen for 12 minutes in TOTAL.
  • Who are the masters of the Dark Side that want to rule the galaxy?
    The Sith
  • Who is the famous mentor of Luke Skywalker?
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • What are the miniature aliens that help the Rebels destroy the shield generator on Endor?
    Ewoks were a diminutive species of furry bipeds native to the forest moon of Endor.
  • What is this activity?
    Podracing was a dangerous racing sport performed by repulsorcrafts known as podracers, which were small, one-man craft propelled by large engines.
  • Who built C-3P0?
    Anakin Skywalker
  • Where is Darth Vader's castle? What planet?
    Fortress Vader, also known as Darth Vader's castle and Vader's personal abode, was a stronghold located on the volcanic world of Mustafar
  • C-3P0 is fluent in how many languages?
    Over 6 million languages
  • At the beginning of Rogue One a new Trooper is introduced - what are they called?
    Death Troopers
  • Who is the bounty hunter who catches Han Solo?
    Boba Fett
  • What is the name of Han Solo’s ship?
    Millenium Falcon
  • What is the last thing that Darth Vader ever says to Luke Skywalker?
    "You were right."
  • Who is this?
    Queen Amidala’s decoy and hand-maiden Sabè