
Gestures & Body Language

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  • Which gesture would you use to say "bad" or "no"?
    Thumbs down
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "sit here."
    Pat the seat next to you.
  • Which gesture would you use to say "okay"?
    Make a circle with your thumb and index finger.
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "peace."
    Middle and pointer finger up.
  • Which gesture would you use to say "no"?
    Shake your head no from side to side.
  • Which gesture would you use to say "bye"?
  • Which gesture would you use to say "hi"?
  • Which gesture would you use to say "one minute"?
    Put up one finger.
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "I can't hear you."
    Hand cups ear.
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "I'm waiting."
    Foot tapping and pointing to watch.
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "I don't know"?
  • Which gesture would you use to say "yes"?
    Nod your head up and down.
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "come here."
    Reach out with finger(s) moving towards you.
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "give me a hug."
    Walk towards the person with open arms.
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "time out."
    Hands form a T.
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "oh duh, I forgot."
    Touch your palm to your head.
  • Which gesture would you use to say "stop"?
    Hold out your hand out with your palm facing the person.
  • Which gesture would you use to say "be quiet"?
    Shhh! Hold up one finger to your lips.
  • Which gesture would you use to say, "I'm watching you."
    Point to eyes then point to the person.
  • Which gesture would you use to say "good" or "yes"?
    Thumbs up.