
Unit 10 A and 10 B

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  • What methods can be used to avoid asteroids hitting Earth?
    pulling the asteroid with spaceship, exploding nuclear bombs
  • What is the synonym of dilemma?
    perplexity, conundrum, problem
  • Mention 3 facts about black holes!
    The pull of gravity is the strongest in the universe, it's impossible to see what is inside because of the event horizon, nothing can escape it
  • When was the smallest crater in America formed?
    50,000 years ago
  • What will happen to average sized star once it dies?
    The layers float away, the center becomes smaller because of gravity (white dwarf)
  • What is another word for catastrophe?
  • What is the other name for Messier 31?
    Andromeda Galaxy
  • What happened in 2013 near Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia?
    A 20-meter meteor exploded near it injuring dozens of people on the ground.
  • What is the meaning of diatomic?
    involving two atoms
  • What happened 65 million years ago in regards of massive asteroid struck?
    A 10-km wide rock smashed the Gulf of Mexico and caused the loss of three quarter lives of life on Earth.
  • What is a supernova?
    The explosion of the outer layers of a dying star.
  • Who was the first person that predicted the existence of black holes?
    Albert Einstein
  • What happened to Ann Hodges in 1954?
    a grapefruit-sized rock bounced off Ann Hodges’s radio and hit her as she lay on her sofa, resulting in a bruised hip and wrist.
  • What is Ed Lu's idea?
    To use a spaceship to deflect asteroids by pulling it away.
  • What are the two possible things that might happen to you if you fell into a black hole?
    You would get burnt before you even got into it, you would be spaghettified due to the massive pull of gravity
  • What could possibly be the best proof that black holes certainly exist?
    By spying on a black hole while objects begin to enter the black hole and taking pictures of the process.
  • What is another word for abruptly?
  • How does a star that is ten times bigger than our sun die?
    The outer layers are thrown into space and create a supernova, the center is squashed into a spinning ball (neutron star)
  • What happened 35 million years ago in regards of massive asteroid struck?
    A 3-km wide rock smashed into the ocean floor and created a crater beneath Chesapeake Bay.
  • What are other words for preposterous?
    ludicrous, nonsensical, ridiculous, crazy
  • How is a new universe formed?
    From the explosion of black holes