
10QT Test Prep

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  • What is the name of the massive infrastructure project China has launched throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa?
    The Belt and Road Initiative
  • As countries become older, there will be increased strain on two social services. What are these?
    Health care and pensions
  • With an aging rate of 29.79%, Japan is...
    A super aging society
  • What is the aging rate?
    The percentage of a country's population that is over 65.
  • What would be the issues for younger people in a super aging society?
    Increased tax burden and having to care for older family and loved ones
  • A country with more than 20% of its population 65 or over is called...
    A super aging society
  • Why is the Belt and Road Initiative controversial?
    It creates a dependency on China and increases debt.
  • What is a major benefit of the Belt and Road Initiative?
    It has led to massive improvements in infrastructure around the world
  • Vietnam has an aging rate of 8.75, which means that it is...
    An aging society
  • Loaning other countries money that you know they can't pay back to gain power over them is called...
    Debt trap diplomacy
  • Thailand's aging rate is 14.51, which makes it...
    An aged society
  • Asia is unique when it comes to the age of its people. Why?
    Asia has some of the youngest and oldest countries in the world.
  • What does the WTO stand for?
    World Trade Organization