
How my actions impact others

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  • You are having a conversation with your friends. In the middle of the conversation you walk away without saying anything.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Your teacher changes the seating arrangement. You yell at your teacher and refuse to sit in your new seat.How does your teacher feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • In gym class your friend misses a basketball jump shot. You say "it's ok, try again!"How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You are tapping your foot in class as you work. Some kids look at you and frown. You keep tapping your foot.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You have brought your favorite book to school. Your teacher tells you to keep it in your backpack. You say "Okay".How does your teacher feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You are asked to work with a student you don't know very well You introduce yourself to them and you work well together.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You have a substitute teacher. You continue to follow the class rules just as you would for your regular teacher.How does the substitute feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You really need to bathroom but there is a line. You cut to the front of the line.How do your classmates feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You forgot to save your work on the computer. You stay calm and start over.How does your teacher feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Your friend says she is excited for her birthday. You tell her all about your last birthday party. You don't ask her anything about her birthday. How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • A kid blows a bubble from their bubble gum. You pop the bubble with your finger.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You hate doing fractions in Math. Whenever you have to do fractions, you yell "I'm not doing this!" and walk out of the room.How does your teacher feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Your soccer team wins. You tell the other team "Great game" and give them a fist bump.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You're feeling overwhelmed and fell like you may explode. You ask your teacher if you can take a break. How does the teacher feel? What does the teacher think? What might the teacher do or say?
  • You loudly hum to yourself while everyone is working quietly in class.How do your classmates feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Your friend is talking about something that you think is boring. You smile, nod, and ask questions about the topic that they are talking about.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Whenever your teacher talks to the class, you make squelching noises with your mouth.How do your classmates feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Someone steps on your foot. You stay calm and think "It's okay, it was an accident"How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Your teacher calls on you to answer a question but you get the answer wrong You argue with the teacher and tell her that your answer was right.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You find Social Studies really tough. when you have to do a Social Studies assignment you keep calm and try your best.How does your teacher feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Whenever you see a kid doing something that they shouldn't be doing in class you yell "stop that!"How do your classmates feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You're not sure how to work out a math problem. You raise your hand and ask for help.How does your teacher feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • A kid in your class is presenting their book report. They misread a word and you laugh out loud at them.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You are the first person to raise your hand every time your teacher asks the class a question.How do your classmates feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Your friend thinks the Red Socks are the best baseball team. You like the Twins. You say to her "The Red Socks are good but I like the Twins better"How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Your friend has a new jacket. You tell them "cool jacket". How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • A friend won the science fair prize. You really wanted to win. You tell your friend "good job"How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Your mom tells you that you can not get ice cream after school. This makes you mad. You slam your book bag onto the ground when you get to class.How do your classmates feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • There is a new kid in your class. You say "I don't want to be friends with you because you are a newbie"How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • A friend doesn't hear you when you call his name. You flick a rubber band at him to get his attention.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • Your soccer team loses. You tell the other team "great game" and give them a fist bump.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • You are playing UNO. Your friends play by different rules than you. You refuse to play the game their way.How do they feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?
  • During Art class, you peel all the paper off each crayon.How does your teacher feel? What are they thinking? What might they do or say?