
Unit 5 Classroom Management

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  • specific actions students must take in the classroom that relate to behavior and the running of the classroom
    classroom procedures
  • Teacher terminates one activity, begins another, then returns to the original activity
  • A group of people who work together to set goals, make decisions, solve problems, and put ideas into action.
  • The atmosphere or quality of life in a classroom, determined by how individuals interact with one another.
    classroom culture
  • The creation of more personal collaboration between teachers and students to promote similar academic goals and values.
    learning community
  • general guidelines for student behavior specific to a class or teacher that identify expected classroom behaviors and attitudes needed for positive learning environment
    class rules
  • Actively working, thinking, and sharing together to achieve a compromise.
  • A process in which a specially trained people help others to resolve their conflicts peacefully
  • listen to students; allow them to speak their truths and be heard
  • overall guidelines and policies that address major issues like dress code and attendance and are the same for all students in the school
    school policies
  • Teacher begins a thought, then leaves it hanging without completion
  • Teacher multitasks . . . teaches a lesson, responds to individual students' needs, handles discipline issues . . . without disrupting engaged learning...
  • time students are actively involved in learning
    engaged time
  • Teacher uses the least disruptive discipline procedure so that the flow of the lesson is not interrupted.
    least intervantion
  • To reduce misbehavior, rechannel student interest and energy into constructive activities. Provide well-planned, engaging activities.
  • focus on keeping order (not instruction), little student-teacher interaction; tend to see passive learners, low initiative, more anxiety over social c...
    authoritarian classroom management style
  • Teacher asks a question first (alerts the group) and then calls on a specific student to respond
    group alerting
  • Teacher interrupts classroom momentum with random, unrelated comments
  • people working together to solve a conflict
    conflict resolution
  • the steps teachers take to organize their classroom for optimal learning, engage students in that learning, and minimize behaviors that disrupt it. 
    classroom management
  • Activities, which help introduce students and help them feel comfortable with each other
  • Teacher spends more time than is necessary to correct an infraction of classroom rules
  • When student misbehaves, provide options to give student sense of self control and freedom.
  • Teacher breaks directions into choppy steps instead of one fluid unit
  • the time a teacher schedules for a subject
    allocated time
  • In a group, each person knows what his/her obligations, duties, privileges, and responsibilities are.
    defined roles
  • engaged time + high rate of success
    academic learning time
  • Incremental and quantifiable or qualitative accomplishments the team is looking for.
    performance roles
  • encourages students to become independent under an effective managment program, with guidelines, expectations, and verbal support appropriate for the...
    authoritative classroom management style
  • a management style that allows students considerable autonomy but provides them with little support for developing or managing their behavior
    permissive classroom management style
  • A form of covert and subtle bullying like ignoring someone, making fun of someone, telling others not to play with someone, or spreading rumors about...
    relational aggression
  • The ability of a teacher to know what is going on at all times in the classroom.