
So do I / Neither do I

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  • I have two sisters. 我也是
    So do I. /I do, too.
  • I didn't go to school this morning. 我也没去
    Neither did I./I didn't either.
  • A: I can't swim very fast. 她也不能
    Neither can she./ She can't, either.
  • A: I went to Harvard College. B: 我哥哥也是
    So did my brother. / My brother did, too.
  • A: I don't like chocolate. 他们也不喜欢
    Neither do they./ They don't, either.
  • I didn't go to Russia. 我也没去
    Neither did I./I didn't, either.
  • I hate math. 我也是
    So do I./ I do, too.
  • I don't know how to play basketball. 我也不知道
    Neither do I. / I don't, either.
  • A: I love eating ice cream. 他们也爱.
    So do they./ They do, too.
  • A: I don't like going dancing. Alice也不喜欢
    Neither does Alice. /Alice doesn't, either.
  • I didn't have lunch. 我也没吃
    Neither did I./ I didn't either.
  • I'm studying International Law. 我也是
    So am I./ I am too.
  • I am not going on holidays this year. 我也不去
    Neither am I./ I am not, either.
  • A: We run in the park every morning. 她也是.
    So does she./ She does, too
  • A: I didn't have a job last year. 他也没有
    Neither did he. /He didn't, either.
  • I will take an Uber. 我也是
    So will I. /I will, too.
  • I won't take the bus ever again.  我也不会了
    Neither will I./I won't, either.
  • A: I'm from Germany. 她也是
    So is she. /She is, too.