
Speak for 40 seconds

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  • Convince the class to buy something on your table.
    students answer
  • What not to say or do on a first date
    cry, be late etc
  • You are having coffee with Justin Beiber, how did that happen?
    students answer
  • Convince the class they must study harder (use a modal verb and a conditional)
    modal verb and if
  • You lost your right arm, how did you lose it?
    students answer
  • Ask someone in the classroom 3 present perfect questions.
    students answer
  • How you would run the country (use a conditional)
    students answer
  • You've ended up in prison, explain why.
    students answer
  • If you could combine two animals together, which ones and why?
    students answer
  • Explain why being a teacher can be a difficult job
    students answer
  • You have a big lump on your head explain how it happened.
    students answer
  • You got sent to the head masters office, how did that happen?
    students answer
  • Convince the class that homework is good for you (use a model verb)
    students answer
  • Describe the picture
    students answer
  • What not to say or do at a job interview
    students answer
  • Describe this picture
    students answer
  • If you were a witch/wizard what magic would you do?
    students answer
  • Describe how to make your favourite dish (use mix, pour, boil words)
    students answer
  • You were a cleaner but you have made millions, explain how?
    students answer
  • Your neighbours can hear strange sounds coming from your house, what are they?
    students answer