
Geography of Mesopotamia

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  • 2- Which two rivers helped the Mesopotamian civilization?
    Tigris and Euphrates
  • 11- Resources were scarce, so------------------- was needed to ensure people worked together.
    central organization
  • 7-Unpredictable flooding combined with a period of little or no rain. The land sometimes became almost a-------------------
  • 12- Mesopotamian had to overcome a lack of -------------- and adapt to their physical environment.
  • 8- Mesopotamian s traded their surplus grain for---------------------
    stone , wood and metal
  • What are the necessary geographic characteristics to sustain life?
    source of water, warm climate and fertile soil.
  • 9- They built------------------- around city-states for protection.
  • 3-Rivers were essential for ----------
    crops and drinking water (raising civilizations).
  • 5-1- The natural resources of Sumer were-------------
  • 10- ------------- systems were developed to deal with little rainfall in the area.
  • 6- A Sumerian village was nearly defenseless with no ---------------------------------
    natural barriers for protection
  • 4- What other resources did Mesopotamian s have?
    - few trees -little rainfall