
Humans and the Planet

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  • what gas causes the air pollution?
    carbon dioxide emission
  • making things better without making it worse for the future
    Sustainable development
  • gases that can make the Earth too hot, like carbon dioxide and methane.
    Greenhouse gases
  • how much pollution a person, company, or product makes
    Carbon footprint
  • What kind of energy is it?
    renewable, hydro energy
  • what type of energy is it? what's the equipment?
    renewable, wind turbine
  • what are the animals which are under threat?
    endangered species
  • What do people use for industry?
    fossil fuel
  • when the weather on Earth gets different because of things people do
    Climate change
  • What main gas causes the air pollution?
    Carbon dioxide
  • when harmful things are put into the air, water, or soil
  • the different kinds of living things that exist on Earth
  • What do factory wastes lead to?
    greenhouse effect
  • when trees are cut down and not replaced.
  • taking care of the Earth so it stays healthy for a long time.
  • what are these called?
    exhaust fumes
  • something from the Earth that people can use, like wood or oil
    Natural resource
  • where living things live and grow, like a forest or a coral reef
  • What do greenhouse gases cause?
    global warming
  • What type of energy is it? What is it?
    renewable energy, solar panel
  • power from sources that never run out, like the sun and wind
    Renewable energy