
Passive Voice - ALL TENSES

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  • Who _____ iPhone _____ by?
    has / been invented
    was / invented
    is / invented
    have / be invented
  • News letters _____ to our customers every month.
    is being send
    are sent
    are being sent
    had been sent
  • A new tablet _____ by Amazon last month.
    was released
    is being released
    have been released
    were released
  • Today, great efforts _____ to find a cure to Coronavirus.
    were made
    are being made
    was make
    had been made
  • Our college results _____ by noon
    are been released
    had been released
    are released
    are being released
  • Mercedes cars _____ by a German company.
    is made
    will be made
    are made
  • That window was opened this morning
  • Coca-Cola _____ in the late 19th century by John Stith.
    had been invented
    has been invented
    was invented
    is being invented
  • had been thrown
    Past simple
    Present Continuous
    Present perfect
    Past perfect
  • Rice _____ in China.
    are grown
    is grown
  • Today, million dollars _____ in vaccins all over the world.
    were spend
    was spent
    had been spent
    are being spent
  • My little brother _____ to drive by my uncle
    was taught
    were teached
    is taught
    was teached
  • is being bought
    Past perfect
    Present continuous
    Simple past
    Present Perfect
  • The car _____ by the police this morning.
    is being stop
    were stopped
    was stopped
    has stopped
  • have been arrested
    Simple present
    Simple past
    Past perfect
    Present perfect
  • Last year, over $40 million _____ on computers .
    has been spent
    had been spent
    are spent
    were spent
  • have been killed
    Present continuous
    Present simple
    Present perfect
    Present petrfect continuous
  • Our privacy _____ by Facebook
    was controlled
    had been controlled
    is controlled
    were controlled
  • Coronavirus is being discovered by someone in China.