
Where are you going? Multiple choice

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  • Where are they going?
    They am going to the park.
    They is going to the park.
    They are going to the park.
  • Where are they going?
    They are going home.
    They is going home.
    They am going home.
  • Where is he going?
    He am going to the mall.
    He is going to the mall.
    He are going to the mall.
  • Where are you going?
    I is going to the city.
    I are going to the city.
    I am going to the city.
  • Where are you going?
    I are going to the mall.
    I is going to the mall.
    I am going to the mall.
  • Where is he going?
    He are going to the bakery.
    He is going to the bakery.
    He am going to the bakery.
  • Where is she going?
    She are going to the library.
    She is going to the library.
    She am going to the library.
  • Where is she going?
    She is going to the market.
    She are going to the market.
    She am going to the market.
  • Where are you going?
    I are going home.
    I is going home.
    I am going home.
  • Where are we going?
    We am going to the park.
    We is going to the park.
    We are going to the park.
  • Where are they going?
    They is going to the bakery.
    They am going to the bakery.
    They are going to the bakery.
  • Where is he going?
    He are going to the library.
    He is going to the library.
    He am going to the library.
  • where is she going?
    She are going to the playground.
    She is going to the playground.
    She am going to the playground.
  • Where are they going?
    They are going to the playground.
    They is going to the playground.
    They am going to the playground.
  • where are we going?
    We are going to school.
    We am going to school.
    We is going to school.
  • Where are you going?
    I are going to the market.
    I is going to the market.
    I am going to the market.
  • Where are we going?
    We are going to the grocery store.
    We is going to the grocery store.
    We am going to the grocery store.
  • Where is he going?
    He are going to the grocery store.
    He is going to the grocery store.
    He am going to the grocery store.
  • Where are we going?
    We am going to school.
    We are going to school.
    We is going to school.
  • Where is she going?
    She am going to the park.
    She are going to the park.
    She is going to the park.