
Relative clause questions

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  • Tell me a city which has Eurostar trains
    London, Paris, Brussels
  • Tell me a country which begins with the letter 'D'
    Denmark, Djibouti
  • Tell me a country where there is a Dinsleyland park
    China, France, USA
  • Tell me a country where football is not the most popular sport?
    India, Canada
  • Tell me a person who has more than 1 million Instagram followers
    Ronaldo, Messi, Kim Kardashian
  • Tell me a food which is purple
    Aubergine/eggplant, purple broccoli, grapes
  • Tell me a country where people speak French which is not France
    Belgium, Senegal, Canada
  • Tell me a brand of car which is from Italy
    Ferrari, Lamborghini
  • Tell me a meal which is vegan
    Chickpea curry, salad
  • Tell me a country where people speak Spanish which is not Spain
    Mexico, Peru
  • Tell me an actor who has won an Oscar
    Brendan Fraser, Will Smith
  • Tell me a city which is in the Southern hemisphere
    Rio, Sydney, Niteroi
  • Tell me a person who is bald
    Steve Harvey, Don Limpio
  • Tell me an animal which has stripes?
    Zebra, Tiger
  • Tell me a country where people speak Portuguese which is not Portugal
    Brazil, Angola
  • Tell me a country where one of the 7 modern wonders of the world is situated
    Brazil, Peru, Italy, Jordan, India, Mexico
  • Tell me an animal which is bigger than an elephant
    Blue Whale, Basking shark
  • Tell me a planet which is bigger than Earth
    Jupiter, Saturn