
Family and Friends Grade 5 unit 4 Review

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  • what is it?
    it's instruments.
  • When did they have the concert?
    two years ago.
  • who are they?
    they are audience
  • What does the violin look like?
    it looks like a little guitar.
  • What instrument did Amy play?
    She played a Violin.
  • what musical instrument is it?
    it's a recorder
  • what is it?
    it's a stage
  • what is it?
    it's a concert
  • what is the simple past of are?
  • what is it?
  • what is the simple past of play?
  • what musical instrument is it?
    it's a Violin
  • Who was at the concert?
    all our family and friends
  • what is the past of has/have?
  • Where did they have the concert
    at our house in Australia