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  • What do you say if you burp or pass gas
    excuse me, sorry
  • Is it polite to interrupt people when they are talking
  • What does being honest mean
    Telling the truth
  • What do you say when someone does something for you, helps you or gives you something
  • Its okay to cheat in a game if nobody sees
  • how can we show good manners in the lunch room
    pick up trash, chew with our mouth closed, inside voice
  • what do you do if you make a mess (cafeteria, at your house, art room)
    clean up after yourself
  • Where should you napkin be when you are out to eat
    In your lap
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated... TRUE or FALSE
  • What should you do if you need to cough or sneeze
    Cover your mouth, get a tissue, sanitize
  • What should you do if you hurt someone's feelings
  • What do you say if someone is in your way or you need to interrupt
    Excuse me
  • Should you talk to other people with a mouth full of food
  • How can you show someone you are friendly
    Smile, say hello, make eye contact, invite them to play
  • If I see someone using something I need what can I do
    ask them nicely for it, or if I can borrow it when they are done.
  • What should you do when you meet someone new?
    shake hands and say your name