
"Can" Challenge

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  • Can you say "red lorry yellow lorry" five times very fast?
  • Can you wiggle your eyebrows?
  • Can you draw a square and a triangle with two hands at the same time?
  • Can you name 10 colours in English?
  • Can you count backwards from 20 to 1?
  • Can you name 10 countries in English?
  • Can you sing an English song?
  • Can you roll your tongue?
  • Can you say "hello" in 3 languages?
  • Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
  • Can you say "Thank you" in 3 languages?
  • Can you name 10 animals in English?
  • Can you say this fast: "She sells seashells by the seashore. I'm sure she sells seashore shells"
  • Can you whistle?
  • Can you name 10 jobs in English?
  • Can you name 10 fruits in English?
  • Can you wink with your left eye and then your right eye?
  • Can you write your name with your left hand?
  • Can you name 5 capitals in English?