
B2.3 Expressing annoyance

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  • Tom posts hundreds of photos every day. → I wish ...
    I wish Tom wouldn't post hundreds of photos.
  • Our cousins are a little annoying because they __________ about their vacations in Florida. (constantly boast)
    are constantly boasting
  • Peter irritates me. He ______ with the sound loud. (________ online videos)
    is always watching online videos
  • Amy shares everything on social media. → if only ...
    If only Amy wouldn't share everything on social media.
  • I'm fed up with this phone. It _________ battery charge. (run out of)
    is constantly running out of
  • My brother says I'm irritating because I _______ of rabbits and other pets on Instagram. (forever post photos)
    am forever posting photos
  • My classmate is irritating because she __________ me questions in the middle of class. (always) (ask)
    is always asking
  • People say such insensitive things on social media. → if only ...
    If only people wouldn't say such insensitive things on social media.
  • "Does your sister annoy you?" "Yes, she ______ my new laptop." (borrow)
    is forever borrowing
  • Christine doesn't answer my messages. → I wish...
    I wish Christine would answer my messages.