
Quiz on Rain:)

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  • Can you guess this insect???
  • What do you like to eat in rainy season?
    Corn, Pakoda etc
  • What is happening n the picture???
    Its raining heavily/ Pouring/ It's raining cats and dogs
  • Peppa Pig is jumping in the ____________ Can you jump and show us!!!
    Muddy puddle:)
  • Do you know any rhyme/song around rainy season?
    Incy wincy, Rain rain go away, Its raining...
  • I travel very slowly, When gliding along the ground, I Creep in the garden, And I have a shell around] Who am I???
  • One thing you like about rainy season?
    It can be any.................
  • Something you like to drink in rainy season.... Something that is hot, hot
    Tea, Hot choco, Soup
  • Which bird feels happy and dances in the rain?
  • What is happening in this picture?
  • What do we use to protect ourselves from rain?
    Umbrella, Raincoat
  • Can you guess the name of this creepy crawly insect?
  • How's the weather??
  • I am colorful. I am made of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange , red. You see me in the sky after it rains, Who am I??