
THINK 1 - U1

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  • Do you think you are interested in collecting autographs why or why not?
  • What TALENTS do you think you or your friend have?
  • Do you PREFER your parents taking you to school, or going to school by yourself? Why?
  • Do you sometimes say something WEIRD or STRANGE and your friends don't understand you? For example
  • Do you prefer sharing your bed with your siblings or sleeping on your own?
  • What CAN'T you STAND at school? What CAN'T you STAND in your family?
  • What makes you FALL ASLEEP easily? Do you think you fall asleep easily?
  • What do you think people do with bottle caps when they collect them?
  • What do you occasionally do in your free time?
  • What is your favorite poem? Can you write a poem?
  • Make a sentence with "be interested in + V_ing / noun"
  • prefer + V_ing/ noun
  • can't stand + V_ing