
Ancient Greeks Topics 1, 2, 3

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  • What did the city-states in Ancient Greece share?
    They shared the same language and beliefs.
  • Why could we know about Ancient Greeks life from ancient pottery?
    Because most of them were painted with scenes from daily life.
  • Where is Greece?
    It's in Europe
  • How do we know about Ancient Greeks?
    Because of surviving buildings, art, and discoveries at ancient sites.
  • What is the main landscape in Greece?
    About 80% of Greece is montainous.
  • Why did most of the city states develop near the coasts?
    To use the sea for food and transport.
  • Mention three city-states
    Thebes, Corinth, Argos, Sparta and Athens
  • How is Greec known by its inhabitants?
    It's known as Hellas
  • How was greece divided in Ancient Greece?
    It was divided into independent city-states.