
Defining and non-defining relative clauses

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  • This is a book. I'd like to buy it.
    This is a book (which/that) I'd like to buy.
  • I wrote an application letter. I forgot to post it.
    I wrote an application letter which I forgot to post.
  • My watch was stolen. I've had it for 10 years.
    My watch, which I've had for 10 years, was stolen.
  • Harry is late.I don't know the reason.
    I don't know the reason why Harry is late.
  • Let's go to a café. We can listen to good music there.
    Let´s go to a café where we can listen to good music./Let's go to a café in which we can listen to good music.
  • Miss Smith is the manager.She is very helpful.
    Miss Smith, who is the manager, is very helpful./ Miss Smith, who is very helpful, is the manager.
  • Our French teacher wants to move to France and open a hotel. Her husband is from Paris.
    Our French teacher, whose husband is from Paris, wants to move to France and open a hotel.
  • Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States from 1861 to 1865. He was assassinated.
    Abraham Lincoln, who was President of the United States from 1861 to 1865, was assassinated.
  • Jo has an expensive car. She keeps it in the garage
    Jo has an expensive car which she keeps in the garage.
  • Who is the boy? You copied his homework?
    Who is the boy whose homework you copied?
  • That girl over there used to be in my class. I don't remember her name.
    That girl over there, whose name I don't remember, used to be in my class.
  • A friend of mine helped me get a job. His mother is a company director.
    A friend of mine, whose mother is a company director, helped me get a job.