
Scrambled Sentences with 5-9 Words

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  • days rained it for five
    It rained for five days.
  • need milk we buy to
    We need to buy milk.
  • Robin her suitcase packed
    Robin packed her suitcase.
  • John the team out tried for basketball
    John tried out for the basketball team.
  • in crib his baby the slept
    The baby slept in his crib.
  • show start time does the what
    What time does the show start?
  • dog's you fill need the bowl to
    You need to fill the dog's bowl.
  • learned play game we new a play to how
    We learned how to play a new game.
  • picked Alex his for flowers mom
    Alex picked flowers for his mom.
  • on trip our going class a is field
    Our class is going on a field trip.
  • for the watch cars out
    Watch out for the cars.
  • at we horses rode camp
    We rode horses at camp.
  • has sky the dark clouds big
    The sky has big dark clouds.
  • the birds their home watched build we
    We watched the birds build their home.
  • on bike his raced Ted jumped home and
    Ted jumped on his bike and raced home.