
Past Simple Tense Questions!

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  • What (do/you) on your last birthday? (do/you) have a party?
    What did you do on your last birthday? Did you have a party?
  • Who (is) your first friend?
    Who was your first friend? Answer: My first friend was ...
  • What (do/you) last weekend?
    What did you do last weekend? Answer: I ... last weekend.
  • What time (go to bed/you) last night?
    What time did you go to bed last night? Answer: I went to bed at ... last night.
  • What (eat/you) for breakfast?
    What did you eat for breakfast? Answer: I ate ... for breakfast.
  • (do/you) any exercise last week?
    Did you do any exercise last week? Answer: Yes, I did. or No, I didn't.
  • Where (go/you) for your last vacation?
    Where did you go for your last vacation? Answer: We went in/on/at ... for our last vacation.
  • What (do/you) during the winter vacation?
    What did you do during the winter vacation? Answer: I ... during the winder vacation.
  • Where (are/you) born?
    Where were you born? Answer: I was born in/on/at ..
  • What (learn/you) at school yesterday?
    What did you learn at school yesterday? Answer: I learned ... at school yesterday.
  • What time (wake up/you) today?
    What time did you wake up today? Answer: I woke up at ... today.
  • What (watch/you) on TV yesterday?
    What did you watch on TV yesterday? Answer: I watched .... on TV yesterday.
  • (read/you) any book last week?
    Did you read any book last week? Answer: Yes, I did. or No, I didn't.
  • What (eat/you) for dinner yesterday?
    What did you eat for dinner yesterday? Answer: I ate ... for dinner yesterday.