
The Christian Principalities (Miriam)

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  • The son of a king who would not succeed him to the throne. AKA a fijodalgo or hidalgo.
  • The establishment of Christian settlements in the lands that had been under Muslim rule was known as...
  • This area was governed by the Kingdom of León until the 10th century.
  • Many sellers in medieval markets were women. As well as selling, women did many other things. Name ONE.
    looked after their family...carried out household tasks...taught their children their husband's trade...helped their husband with work in the field and the shop
  • The king´s representative in Aragón, who, among other things, was responsible for making sure the king´s orders were carried out and keeping public order.
  • The king´s representative in Castilla, whose main function was to collect taxes and recuit troops.
  • A small territory belonging to the Kingdom of Navarra until the 11th century.
  • An African Berber tribe that controlled al-Andalus from 1086 to 1145 (before the Almohads).
  • The process by which Christians advanced toward the south of the Iberian Peninsula between the 8th and 15th centuries.
  • In what century did Castilla become a kingdom with Fernando as its first king?
    11th Century
  • The name of the only territiory in Muslim hands between 1232 and 1492, which occupied the modern provinces of Granada, Almería, and Málaga.
    Nasrid Kingdom
  • Because of the introduction and rearing of merino sheep, this product became important in the Castillian economy.
  • A small state resulting from the division of the Córdoba Caliphate in 1031.
    taifa kingdom
  • Bricks dried in the sun are known as...
  • The Kingdom of Navarra was previously known as the Kingdom of ________?
  • What are the two classes of the non-privileged estates?
    peasants and bourgeoisie
  • Pelayo and his followers defeated the Muslims in this famous battle in 722.
    Battle of Covdonga
  • A free person who swore loyalty to a lord.
  • Code of law which the king or a lord granted a city certain privileges, such as exemption from taxes.
  • Document in which a king or feudal lord granted the inhabitants of a municipality a series of rights and obligations relating to community life, the exploitation of the land, etc.
    carta puebla
  • In what year did the Muslim occupation of Spain begin?
  • A muslim who remained on land conquered by Christians.
  • Name given by historians to the territory governed by the kings of Castilla and León from 1230.
    Crown of Castilla
  • A group of ships that are the property of the same person, institution, or country.
  • What are the two classes of the privileged estates?
    nobility and clergy
  • Repopulation of the Iberian peninsula was carried out in several different ways. Talk about ONE.
  • A North African Muslim tribe that ruled al-Andalus during the 12th and 13th centuries (after the Almoravids).
  • Boabdil finally surrendered Granada to the Catholic Monarchs in what year?
  • The Cortes were formed by the members of which three groups.
    nobility, clergy, bourgeoisie
  • A workshop where a blacksmith makes things from heated iron.
  • A language derived from Latin, such as Castilian, Galician, Catalan, French, etc. is known as a____________.
    romance language
  • Livestock that moved from winter to summer pastures, and vice versa.
    Transhumant livestock
  • Ancient culture spread throughout the Christian kingdoms thanks to this group which translated works into Latin and later Castilian
    Toledo School of Translators
  • Alfonso I (739-757) was the first king of _________?