
Open World B2: Unit 8 English

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  • the hot gas that is produced when water boils
  • to look at information on the Internet
  • a mistake or problem in a computer program
  • an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem
  • an image of what is shown on a computer screen
  • a small picture on a computer screen that you choose in order to make the computer do something
  • a small safety part in an electrical device or piece of machinery that causes it to stop working if the electric current is too high, and so prevents fires or other dangers
  • a rounded glass container with a thin thread of metal inside that produces light when an electric current goes through it
    light bulb
  • to suddenly lose the energy or interest to continue doing what you are doing (idiom)
    run out of steam
  • a set of computers that are connected to each other
  • to get angry very easily (idiom)
    have a short fuse
  • a chart produced on a computer which helps you to do business calculations and planning
  • If a computer or computer system does this, it suddenly stops working.
  • a way of marking an Internet website so that you can find it easily
  • to improve something so that it is of a higher quality or is a newer model
  • If you ... a computer program, you use it on your computer.
  • a long, thin piece of metal thread, usually covered in plastic, that carries electricity, telephone signals, etc.
  • When people get their wires crossed, they have a different understanding of the same situation (idiom)
    get your wires crossed
  • to do something that prevents an activity from continuing, especially by no longer giving money to support it (idiom)
    pull the plug (on something)
  • a tube-shaped device containing fuel and an engine that pushes a vehicle into space
  • a moment when you suddenly realize something or have a good idea (idiom)
    light bulb moment
  • used to say that you do not think that something is very difficult to do or to understand (idiom)
    it's not rocket science
  • a copy of information that is held on a computer, which is stored separately from the computer
  • a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system
    file name
  • something you put in a hole to block it; enchufe