
Vocational Vocabulary

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  • What is a synonym for job?
  • What is a savings account?
    An account you put money into that you won't touch for awhile
  • What is an employee?
    A person who works at a job
  • What are two things that you should do to prepare for a job interview?
    Get a nice outfit ready, practice questions, create a resume
  • What is a wage?
    The amount of money you are paid each hour?
  • What is a checking account?
    A bank account with money you can use right away
  • If you have a job that is paid bi-weekly, how often are you getting paid?
    every other week; (not every week, week off in between)
  • What is a time card?
    A card that you keep track of the hours you are working at a job
  • What is a withdrawal at the bank?
    Taking money out of the bank
  • What is a paycheck?
    The money you are paid on a regular basis for working at a job
  • What does a boss do at work?
    Tells people what to do and is in charge
  • Why do we have to give certain people a tip - restaurant workers?
    Because the restaurants are not required to pay them the minimum wage and our tips make up for the lower hourly rate.
  • What are tips?
    Money given by a customer to the employee - usually at restaurants - for service.
  • What is a salary?
    The amount of money a company agrees to pay you for the whole year
  • What are things that you include on a resume?
    Your education, information about you, work history,
  • What is the average amount we should leave for a tip at a restaurant?
    15% to 20% is the common range.
  • What is a deposit at a bank?
    Putting money into the account
  • If you need to quit a job, what is the best way to do it?
    Give them two weeks notice and leave on good terms.
  • What is an antonym for job/working?
  • What are co-workers?
    the people that work with you at work
  • What is an interview?
    A meeting that people have with a potential job when they want to get hired
  • What is "attitude"
    How someone acts
  • What is an application?
    The form that you fill out when you want to get a job