
Self-Love - med

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  • What do you do in 'me time'?
  • Give an example of setting boundaries.
  • You can practice self-love by having positive self-talk. True or false?
  • Everyone is perfect. True or false?
    Everyone is perfect the way they are.
  • You can eat pizza, drink coke and watch TV all day often as a way of practicing self-love. True or False?
  • I need to please everyone to be a part of the group. True or false?
  • What or who inspires you?
  • What can you do to take care of your physical health?
    Have a healthy diet, work out, exercise, have sufficient and quality sleep, etc.
  • I did not have the good results as expected. However, I tried my best, so I don't blame myself. Is it an example of self-love?
    Yes. You acknowledge your effort.
  • What would be the attitude of a person that loves themselves towards failure?
    Mistakes and failure are opportunities to learn and grow.
  • People that love themselves always believe that they are right and never make mistakes. True or False?
  • What do you like about yourself?
  • What can you tell yourself to practice self-love?
  • Perfectionism is something that we should have for self-love. True or false?
    False. Perfectionism can be harmful to your mental health.
  • I'm exhausted but I will go to the team dinner because everyone is joining. Is it an example of self-love?
    No. You don't prioritize your needs and sacrifice your wellbeing to please others.