
Passive (Past)

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  • The lost city of the Inca (forget) by the outside world.
    was forgotten
  • The wonders of Machu Picchu (describe) as absolute masterpieces of the Inca civilization.
    were described
  • Machu Picchu (construct) around 1450 at the height of the Inca Empire.
    was constructed
  • This historical site (choose) as a World Heritage Site in 1983.
    was chosen
  • The Inca people (defeat) by the Spanish 100 years later.
    were defeated
  • Machu Picchu (abandon) by the Incas.
    was abandoned
  • In the 1911, the ruins of Machu Picchu (discover) by Hiram Bingham, a historian and an explorer.
    were discovered
  • On July 7th 2007, this place (vote) one of the New Seven World Wonders of the World.
    was voted
  • Some Inca sites (destroy) by the Spanish.
    were destroyed
  • Over the centuries, the ruins of Machu Picchu (hide) by thick forests.
    were hidden