
Midterm Test Teens 2 Review

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  • I / a party (+)
    I am going to a party
  • Miguel / horrible at / soccer (?)
    Is Miguel horrible at soccer?
  • Dulce/ soccer (-)
    Dulce isn't going to play soccer
  • A: _________________? B: She is going to go to a Halloween Party/Theme Party
    What is she going to do?
  • A: Are they going to dance? B: _________________. A: What are they going to do? B: They are going to sleep.
    No, they aren't.
  • Talk about your ability at soccer
    I'm ________/ I can/can't ________
  • Invite your friend to your birthday party
    Ask about plans at a specific time/ Mske an invitation/ Accept or decline an invitation/ Suggest another time
  • Duda and Alice / play volleyball (-)
    Duda and Alice can't play volleyball 
  • Paulo and Arthur / the mall (?)
    Are they going to the mall?
  • Say 5 sports!
    Track & Field, Judo, Soccer, Volleyball, Swimming
  • Ask about your friends ABILITIES in sports
    Can you (play/swim/...)? / Are you good at...?
  • A: What are they going to do? B: They are going to ________________.
    play the guitar
  • A: Is she good at playing basketball? B: ____________
    Yes, she is
  • A: What are you going to do on the weekend? B: I'm going to
    go to the zoo
  • Milena / the beach (+)
    Milena is going to the beach
  • Alex, Luise and Xavier  / visit friends (?)
    Are they going to visit friends?
  • A: _______________ ? The cat is working
    What is the cat doing
  • A: Sue _______ ________ to have a party. She is going to read a book.
    isn't going
  • Ana Clara / RPG (-)
    She isn't going to play RPG
  • My students and I / review for a test (+)
    We are reviewing for a test