
Health Problems

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  • What's the matter?
    He has a headache.
  • What problem does she have this?
    A cold
    Hay Fever
  • What's wrong with him? What can he do?
  • A medical operation that is done for more serious cases such as a kidney transplant or car crash victim.
  • What's the matter? What should he do?
  • What has happened to her?
    She's pregnant.
  • What's the matter with him? What should he do?
  • What's the matter? What should she do? What shouldn't she do?
  • What is the device used to shock someone's heart into pumping again.
    An AED / Defibrillator
  • What is wrong with her? What should and shouldn't she do?
  • What can be lethal if there is any air trapped in the needle?
    An injection
  • What you need from a doctor in order to get strong medicine like antibiotics.
    A prescription
  • What has happened to her? What should and shouldn't she do?
  • What problem is this?
    It's stomach ache. / It's an upset stomach.
  • What's happening? What should she do?
  • What problem is this?
    It's car sickness.
    It's travel sickness
    It's sea sickness
  • What problem is this?
    It's a sore throat.
  • What problem is this?
    It's toncilitis
    It's meningitis.
    It's hay fever.
    It's a cold
  • How is she feeling? What should the driver do? What is best for her?
  • What problem is this?
    It's a sprained ankle.
  • What problem is this?
    It's a runny nose.
  • What problem is this?
    It's toothache.