
Passive with reporting verbs

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  • They believe he has never smiled at anyone
    He is believed never to have smiled at anyone
  • They report that the building has been badly damaged
    The building is reported to have been badly damaged
  • They believe that the boy is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans
    The boy is believed to be wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.
  • They think that Mary is living in Scotland
    Mary is thought to be living in Scotland
  • They say that she is very talented
    She is said to be very talented
  • They expect that the company will make a loss this year
    The company is expected to make a loss this year
  • Police say he has disappeared
    He is said to have disappeared
  • People say that he has started a new life somewhere else
    He is said to have started a new life somewhere else.
  • Everybody knows that my dad likes red wine
    My dad is known to like red wine
  • There is a rumour that the escaped prisoner is living in Spain
    The escaped prisoner is rumoured to be living in Spain.
  • Police think the burglar entered through the garage
    The burglar is thought to have entered through the garage
  • People say that the new series will begin in about two months.
    The new series is said to begin in about two months
  • They say that the film is very good
    The film is said to be very good
  • They say that the accident happened due to human error
    The accident is said to have happened due to human error
  • Everyone thought that the government had shown no regards for public opinion
    The government was thought to have shown no regards for public opinion
  • They assumed that Lucy had left the day before
    Lucy was assumed to have left the day before
  • People expect that the strike will end soon
    People expect that the strike will end soon. The strike is expected to end soon.
  • People say that the company is losing a lot of money
    The company is said to be losing a lot of money
  • People expect that prices will go up
    The prices are expected to go up.
  • People believe that he is the hero of the town
    He is believed to be the hero of the town
  • They expect that the president will lose the election
    The president is expected to lose the election
  • People consider him a good president.
    He is considered to be a good president
  • Everyone thinks he is living in Ireland
    He is thought to be living in Ireland
  • They say that three people were arrested after the robbery
    Three people are said to have been arrested after the robbery.
  • They think that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall
    The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over a wall