
Did You Know?

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  • Otters sleep holding hands with other otters.
  • Flamingos are born pink.
    False - They are born gray but their diet makes the feathers pink.
  • A cockroach's brain is in its body.
  • Orangutans are the heaviest animal to live in a tree.
    True - A male can weigh about 74 kg and they live in the canopy.
  • Skunk spray is so strong that it can cause temporary blindness
  • A Horned Lizard can keep itself safe by shooting blood from its own eyes
  • Reindeers eyes change colors depending on the season.
    True - blue in winter and golden in summer
  • Dolphins are part of the US army
    True - to detect enemies 
  • Young goats can have different accents
    True - they adjust their sound to match a new social group
  • A blue whales tongue can weigh the same as small adult elephant.
  • Butterflies taste with their wings.
    False - they taste with their feet using chemoreceptors
  • An ostrich can kill a lion.
    True - their legs are so powerful that their kicks are deadly
  • Horses use facial expression to communicate with eachother
    True - 17 facial expressions have been documented
  • A squirrel's front teeth will grow over their entire lifetime.
  • A colossal squid has eyes as large as tennis balls.
    False - they are the size of basketballs and can detect light from 400 feet away
  • The shortest adult life span is that of a Mayfly.
    True - 24 hours as an adult, some as short as 8 hours
  • A mantis shrimp can break glass with their claws.
  • The howler monkey can make a noise that is the same decibels as a jet engine.
  • The world's deadliest creature is a shark.
    False  - It is a mosquito. They kill 725,000 people a year.