
Circulatory system

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  • Which kind of blood vessel carries blood to the heart?
  • What are the different kinds of blood vessels?
    Arteries, veins, and capillaries
  • Challenge: Another name for the circulatory system:           The c_ _ d _ _ v_s_ _ l _ _  system.
    The cardiovascular system.
  • Challenge: What is the approximate size of our heart?
    Our fist
  • Challenge: Does blood travel faster in the veins or in the arteries?
    Blood travels faster in the arteries.
  • Challenge: How many liters of blood does an adult have - 1 litre, 5 litres, 15 litres, or 10 litres?
    5 litres
  • What is the role of the heart in the circulatory system?
    It pumps blood around the circulatory system.
  • What are the four main parts of the circulatory system?
    Heart, Lungs, Blood, Blood Vessels 
  • How is water transported around the body?
    Via the circulatory system.
  • Name 2 types of blood vessel.
    Artery, Vein
  • Challenge: How long does it take for the blood to leave the heart, circulate through the whole body and come back again to the heart?
    60 seconds
  • What happens in the lungs when we breathe in?
    Oxygen moves into the blood from the air we breathe in.
  • What is the heart?
    A muscle
  • Which kind of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart?
  • Challenge: Which blood cells carry oxygen around the body?
    Red blood cells transport oxygen around the body.
  • Which part of the circulatory system moves around the body?
    The blood
  • Challenge: How many chambers is the heart divided into?
  • Challenge: Which kind of blood vessel connects the arteries to the veins?
  • Why does blood have to go through the lungs before it goes back around the body?
    To collect oxygen (and to remove CO2)
  • What does the blood take to the body?
    Oxygen and nutrients