
Reported speech Upper A

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  • She will go back to England next year. (Susan)
    Susan said that she will go back to England next year.
  • They spend time with their friends very often. (Luisa)
    Luisa said that they spend time with their friends very often.
  • She should rest and stay home. (Doctor)
    The doctor said she should rest and stay home.
  • We play on the computer. (Carlos)
    He said that they play on the computer.
  • That little girl speaks so well. (a passer-by)
    A passer-by said that that little girl speaks so well.
  • Yesterday, I called my mom and talked with her. (Juan)
    Juan said that he had called his mom and talked to her yesterday.
  • I visit the dentist twice a year. (Marie)
    Marie said that she visits the dentist twice a year.
  • My girls tell stories every night. (A mom)
    A mom said that her girls tell stories every night.
  • I have always loved swimming. (Amy)
    Amy said that she has always loved swimming.
  • They don't like sandwiches. (Juan)
    Juan said that they don't like sandwiches.
  • I read books everyday. (Lina)
    Lina said that she reads books everyday.