
American Indians

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  • What was it about the Northeast region that made the Indians want to live there?
    The wooded areas had plenty of resources for food, shelter, and clothing.
  • Which tribes would be easiest for the Southwest Indians to trade with?
    Northwest Indians or the Plains Indians
  • Which region did the Northwest Indians live in?
    The Northwest Indians lived in region 3
  • What was a difference between the shelters of the Northwest Indians and the Southwest Indians?
    The Northwest Indians lived in longhouses while the Southwest Indians lives in clay houses.
  • What is a difference between the Southwest and the Southeast American Indians in regards to their shelter?
    Southeast lived in open aired houses made of wood and grass while Southwest Indians lived in houses made of clay and other natural resources
  • What were the permanent shelters that the Arctic Indians lived in called?
  • What were the non-permanent shelters called that the Plains Indians lived in?
  • Which region did the Southeast Indians live in?
    The Southeast Indians lived in region 2
  • What is something that the Arctic and Plains Indians have in common?
    They both hunted for their food, shelter, and clothing
  • Would it be easy or hard for the Arctic Indians to trade with the Southeast Indians?
    HARD. They are way too far away!!
  • What is a difference in the food that the Southeast Indians ate and the Arctic Indians ate?
    The Arctic Indians hunted marine mammals and fished in the local waters for food while the Southeast Indians grew corn, beans, and squash.
  • Which American Indians settled into a region that had a dry and arid environment?
    Southwest American Indians
  • How do Native Americans continue to contribute to American life?
    They write about Native Americans today