
The simple past

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  • Where did they go first day in the afternoon?
    They went to the theater.
  • What did they do on SUnday morning?
    They went to the market.
  • What did she love about the play?
    She loved the songs.
  • What di dd she buy at the market?
    She bought a red jacket.
  • Who gave her the boots she's wearing?
    They were a girft from her father./ Her father gave them to her.
  • What did they do Saturday evening?
    They had dinner at a restaurant next to the river.
  • What did they see at the theater?
    They saw the Lion King.
  • What did Lucia do on the weekend?
    She went to London.
  • What did she eat at the restaurant next to the river?
    She ate fish and chips.
  • What did they eat at the market?
    They ate African food.
  • Who did she go with?
    She went with her boyfriend.
  • How did they get back home?
    They took the train.