
Whoa was Abe Lincoln

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  • How did Lincoln win the presidency?
  • “There were many issues, but. Slavery was the one on everyone’s mind.” Issue -
  • Read for Details: In which year had slavery been made illegal in the northern states? a) 1804 b) 1854 c) 1904
  • Most people in Washington spoke very kindly and politely about Mary Todd Lincoln. True False __________________
  • “There were many issues, but. Slavery was the one on everyone’s mind.” Issue -
  • “There were many issues, but. Slavery was the one on everyone’s mind.” Issue -
  • "The Illinois Republicans nominated him unanimously." unanimously -
  • Reread to Clarify: Lincoln "hated slavery and wanted it to end." So why wasn't Abraham Lincoln an abolitionist?
  • Cause: ______________________________________________________________ Effect: Abraham Lincoln decided to grow a beard
  • Lincoln likes slavery and never wanted to end. True False
  • 1) Abraham Lincoln was a proponent (supporter) of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. True False _______________
  • Who was Stephen Douglas?
  • What were abolitionists?
  • 2) In 1820, Missouri had become a state slavery was illegal there. True False
  • Read for Details: When Lincoln became president, eleven Southern states formed their own country. What name did they give their new territory?
  • Why did Lincoln support the legal rights of slave owners?
  • Connect: When you were reading about the Dred Scott Decision, how did you feel? What emotions were you feeling? Explain your thinking.
  • Cause: ______________________________________________________________ Effect: Lincoln and Douglas made comical opponents.
  • Analyze: What did Abraham Lincoln mean when he said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."?
  • Cause: ______________________________________________________________ Effect: States in the South talked about leaving the United States to form their
  • "He chose General George B. McClellan to turn them into real soldiers." Ultimately, what battlefield issue/problem did Abraham have with General McClellan?
  • Reflect: Why was Abraham known as "the rail candidate"?