
Inflation and Bubbles

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  • What are ‘bubbles’?
    Surges in asset prices to level significantly above the fundamental value of that asset.
  • What are NINJA LOANS?
    NINJA stands for no interest, no job, no assets == sub-prime mortgages.
  • What does CPI stand for and what is it?
    Consumer price index shows how the prices have changed between different years. CPI is the most commonly used measure of inflation.
  • What do economists mean when they say ‘nominal’?
    That the price from the past has not been adjusted for inflation.
  • What is ‘speculation’?
    Trading financial instrument involving high risk, in expectation of significant returns. Like the 2008 financial crisis in the US.
  • What is the problem with a bubble?
    It depends on an ever increasing supply of buyers, betting they’ll be able to sell for a higher price. Eventually, you run out of buyers and the bubble bursts.
  • What negatively influenced the export of oil from Venezuela?
    Economic mis-management and political instability
  • Try to identify inflation.
    Inflation is an increase in a currency supply relative to the number of people who are using it, resulting in rising prices of goods and services over time.
  • What do economists mean when they say ‘real’?
    That the price from the past has been adjusted for inflation.
  • Who is the sugar granddaddy of all bubbles?
    The Dutch tulip mania in the 1600s. Tulip gardens became a social fad among the wealthy, driving up their price. More people made money with the tulip action.
  • What is the inflation caused by people called? How would you define it?
    Demand pull inflation - too much money chasing too few goods.
  • What is the inflation cause by the decrease of availability of an important productive resource called?
    Cost push inflation.
  • Why is the CPI not perfect?
    Because the market basket has to be constant and a traditional CPI won’t adjust for new products or increase in quality. Example, black&white vs 40-inch flat TV
  • Which country out of these four has the highest rate of inflation and what was the exact rate at the end of 2014? A USA; B Canada; C Venezuela; D Japan
    C Venezuela; 70%
  • If you have 10 million dollars, are you rich?
    Well, if you are on a desert island, you are not. Being rich is determined by how much purchasing power you have, not the amount of money on your bank account.
  • What are 2 causes for inflation?
    1 If people have more money, they are going to bid up the prices for things, causing inflation. 2 The decrease of availability of a productive resource, as oil.
  • On which condition do the prices rise?
    Higher demand and lower supply.
  • What is ‘purchasing power’?
    The amount of physical goods that can be bought by a given amount of money.