
WW3000 B2 Lesson 9

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  • Make a sentence with the word 'tower'.
  • What do you think is the coolest thing that someone invented?
  • For what reason would something be blasted?
  • Make a sentence with the word 'stories'.
  • Have you ever been to another country? Where did you go?
  • Make a sentence with the word 'rotate'.
  • Tell about things that you can go "aboard".
  • What career do you want when you grow up?
  • Where have you heard a loud blast before?
  • What is something you need to be cautious of?
  • Make a sentence with the word 'strand'.
  • If you were the principal of your school for one day, what would you do?
  • What is something you do everyday?
  • Tell the difference between the two different "strands" that you learned about.
  • Make a sentence with the word 'tower'.
  • Do you think it is important to be polite? Why?
  • Where have you seen girders before?
  • Use the word "story" in a sentence.
  • Ask someone a question with the word "blast" in it. That person has to answer.
  • Does your family go on vacation each year?
  • Make a sentence with the word 'inventor'.
  • What are something that we can rotate?
  • Make a sentence with the word 'story'.
  • What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
  • What kind of music do you like?