
CAE vocab

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  • to disclose (C2)
    to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden
  • redundant (C2)
    (especially of a word, phrase, etc.) unnecessary because it is more than is needed
  • to delegate (C2)
    to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you
  • churlish
    rude, unfriendly, and unpleasant
  • mindful
    give attention to the things around you
  • to outsource
    to get work done by making a contract with another company to do it, often in another country, rather than in your own company
  • to spearhead
    to lead something such as an attack or a course of action
  • reluctant (C1)
    not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
  • assertive (C2)
    Someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe
  • delegate (noun) C1
    a person chosen or elected by a group to speak, vote, etc. for them, especially at a meeting
  • afterthought
    an idea, thought, or plan that was not originally intended but is thought of at a later time
  • to vacate
    to leave a place or position
  • endeavour (C1)
    to try to do something
  • prodigious
    extremely great in ability, amount, or strength
  • to emulate
    to copy someone’s behavior or try to be like someone else because you admire or respect that person
  • dismal
    dark and sad, without hope, or very bad
  • impaired
    damaged in a way that makes something less effective
  • surly
    often in a bad mood, unfriendly, and not polite
  • classifieds
    the collection of small advertisements in a newspaper, magazine, or on a website, organized, for example, by available jobs or types of things for sale
  • to incur (C2)
    1. to experience something, usually something unpleasant, as a result of actions you have taken; 2. to be made to lose money or have to pay a charge
  • to denigrate
    to say that someone or something is not good or important
  • retain (C2)
    to keep or continue to have something
  • proactive
    taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens
  • discourteous
    rude and not considering other people's feelings
  • exodus
    the movement of a lot of people from a place
  • sensible (B1)
    having or using good judgement; reasonable
  • precipitous
    1.If a slope is precipitous, it is very steep; 2.If a reduction or increase is precipitous, it is fast or great
  • to adhere (to something)
    to continue to obey a rule or have a belief
  • to ascertain
    to discover a fact; to make certain
  • recall (B2)
    to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you remember
  • cater to someone/something
    to satisfy a need or to provide what is wanted or needed by a particular person or group
  • belligerent
    eager to fight or argue
  • astute
    able to understand a situation quickly and see how to take advantage of it
  • the status quo
    the present situation or condition
  • paramount (C2)
    more important than anything else
  • remuneration
    payment for work that has been done or services that have been provided