
Plate Boundaries

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  • What two plates need to interact for a chain of volcanoes to form?
    Continental and Oceanic
  • When two plates pull away from each other
    Divergent Boundary
  • What are the 3 types of plate boundaries?
    Convergent, Divergent and Transform
  • An oceanic crust and a continental crust collide, which plate will be sub-ducted and why?
    The oceanic crust will subduct under the continental crust because it is more dense.
  • There is a chain of volcanoes off the coast of Alaska, earthquakes are frequent in this area. What type of boundary is this on? What type of crusts are involved?
    Convergent boundary, oceanic and continental crusts
  • What is subduction?
    When two plates collide and one goes under the other
  • When two plates slide past each other what geological event occurs?
    Oceanic Trench
  • When two continental plates pull apart what geologic event or structure occurs?
    Continental Rift
    Mid-ocean ridge
    Oceanic Trench
  • At what boundary would you expect to see frequent earthquakes?
    Transform Boundary
  • When two plates collide into each other
    Convergent Boundary
  • What is seafloor spreading?
    When two oceanic plates pull apart, magma rises up and creates new crust. This happens over and over again causing the seafloor to get wider.
  • What is the theory of plate tectonics?
    The theory that parts of the crust and upper mantle are broken into sections that can move and interact with each other to cause geologic events and structures.
  • At what type of boundary would you expect to find a mid-ocean ridge?
    Divergent Boundary
  • What two plates need to interact for a mid-ocean ridge to form?
    Oceanic and Oceanic
  • When two oceanic plates pull apart, what geological event or structure occurs?
    mid-ocean ridge
    chain of volcanoes
    continental rift
  • What are the two types of crust?
    Oceanic and Continental
  • A long time ago all the continents were connected, what was the name of this supercontinent?
  • Who was the first person to introduce the idea of plate tectonics?
    Isaac Newton
    Gregor Mendal
    Alfred Wegener
    Charles Darwin
  • What two plates need to interact for a mountains to form?
    Continental and Continental
  • At what type of boundary would you expect to find mountains?
    Convergent Boundary
  • Two oceanic plates collide, one slides under the other. What geologic event would this cause?
    Continental Rift
    Chain of Volcanoes
    Oceanic Trench
    Mid-Ocean Ridge
  • When two plates slide past each other
    Transform Boundary
  • When two continental crusts collide what geological event forms?