
Easter True or False

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  • The Easter bunny tradition comes from Germany
    True, began in 18th century
  • On Easter, people wear old clothes for good luck
    False, they wear new clothes
  • The traditional Easter flower is the tulip
    False, it is the white lily
  • In Greece, Easter eggs are traditionally painted pink.
    False, they are painted red like blood. The red color symbolizes the blood and sacrifice of Christ on the cross and the egg symbolizes rebirth.
  • The largest Easter egg ever weighed 5000 lbs (over 2,200 kg)
    True - It was made in Italy
  • Sometimes Easter is celebrated in May
    False, it is celebrated in March or April
  • The Friday before Easter is called Bad Friday
    False, it is called Good Friday
  • Easter eggs represent new life
    True, Easter is about life and rebirth
  • The rabbit is the ancient symbol of fertility
    True, they are known for having many babies
  • Easter Island is in Israel
    False, it is is Chile