
Stuttering Practice

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  • Say this sentence using easy onset: "I was so thirsty I couldn't wait to get a drink of water."
  • Say this sentence using pausing: " The mailbox was bent and broken and looked like someone knocked it over."
  • Say this sentence using deep breath: "I found a gold coin on the bus this morning on the way to school."
  • Using slow rate: Name your three favorite games to play.
  • Using pausing: Name your 3 favorite foods.
  • Describe what pausing is.
  • Say this sentence using light contact: "The school was white and brown and looked very old.'
  • Describe what easy onset is.
  • Say this sentence using pausing: "He was driving me crazy so I told a joke and made him laugh".
  • Describe what full breath is.
  • Say this sentence using light contact: "The alligator's teeth were so scary that I ran back to the car as fast as I could".
  • Using deep breath... Name 3 things that you like to do for fun.
  • Say this sentence using light contact: "Camp was so much fun that I didn't want to come home".
  • Say this sentence using easy onset: "The flowers smelled so beautiful and the room so happy".
  • Say this sentence using slow rate: "I don't know where my math homework went'.
  • Describe what light contact is.
  • Say this sentence using easy onset: "I had a sore throat so I got a bottle of water to drink at school".
  • Say this sentence using slow rate: "My mom drove me to school fifteen minutes late on Thursday"
  • Say this sentence using pausing: "I was scared to go the big rollercoaster at the fair."
  • Using pausing...Describe your favorite trip.
  • Say this sentence using slow rate: "The chocolate chip cookies smelled so good that I ate one without asking."
  • Using light contact: Name 3 favorite animals.
  • Describe what slow rate means.
  • Say this sentence using deep breath: "I went to the dentist the other day and I had no cavities".