
Native Americans and Immigrants

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  • Explain how where people live affects their clothing.
    Any acceptable answer
  • What are foods you enjoy from different cultures?
    Any acceptable answer
  • Explain how where people live affects the food they eat.
    Any acceptable answer
  • People who come to live in a new country from another country are called
  • How did people come to North America from Europe?
    Any acceptable answer
  • What was one thing that the Native Americans taught the European settlers?
    How to plant and cook native crops, how to hunt/fish
  • Explain how where people live affects their homes.
    Any acceptable answer
  • What are some things that people brought from their cultures to the United States?
    Food, games, art, dance
  • What is one part of culture?
    food, clothing, dance, language
  • How did people come to the United States from Mexico or Canada?
    Any acceptable answer
  • Who were the first people to live in North America?
    Native Americans
  • How can you say “hello” in another language other than English?
    Any acceptable answer