
Empower 7 b1+ Questions

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  • Which wild animal do you find interesting? (Why?)
    Are you interested in wild life, like sharks, lizards or polar bears? (Why?)
  • Do you prefer spending time alone or with other people? (Why?)
    How much time do you spend alone?
  • Do you have a good relationship with your neighbours? (Why? / Why not?)
    Do you have nice neighbours? 
  • How important are friends and family in your life?
    Are your friends important to you? (Why?) 
  • Where do you usually go to meet your friends?
    Do you meet your friends in a café? 
  • Which of your friends is most different from you? How are they different?
    Who is your best friend? Are they like you? 
  • Tell me about a successful person you like.
    Why are they successful?  Would you like to be successful?
  • What kind of person makes a really good friend?
    Do you have a best friend? (Who is it?
  • Tell me something interesting that has happened to you recently.
    When did this happen?  Who were you with?  How did you feel afterwards?
  • Which place of natural beauty do you like most? (Why?)
    Is there a beautiful beach or forest near here? (Why is it beautiful?)
  • How do you usually communicate with your friends?
    .Do you text your friends? (Why? / Why not?)
  • How often do you get together with your relatives?
    Do you see your family every week?
  • Tell me about a time you helped someone.
    Who did you help?  How did you help them?  How did you feel about helping them?
  • How long do you spend talking to your friends on the phone?
    Do you like talking on the phone? (Why? / Why not?) 
  • How important to you is protecting the environment? (Why?)
    Is the environment important to you? (Why? / Why not?)  
  • Tell me something about the technology you use most.
    What technology do you use?  Why do you use it?  Is using new technology exciting? (Why? / Why not?)